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Property & Mortgage Information in El Salvador

Use the form to register your interest and receive more information via a PDF download, about applying for a mortgage in El Salvador.

You will also receive contact and booking details to have a consultation call with Gladys or her team members.

El Salvador Beach Property

Playa San Diego, La Libertad

In this video we go with real estate agents to look at local property.

We share video and prices and review what we saw. 

We made this video while we were looking at purchasing real estate in El Salvador.

Interview About Mortgages & Lending

Non-resident Mortgages in El Salvador

In this interview we speak with Gladys about buying property and opportunity to take out a non-resident mortgage in El Salvador.

This interview was done December 2022.  A number of things have changed from when the interview was done.

We are currently updating information for people who are interested.


Answer Your Questions with a Call

Personal Video Call

We offer one-on-one video calls with people coming to El Salvador.

We provide value from our 2.5 years of experience and networking.

 We answer questions like;

  • Living on Bitcoin Standard
  • Where to go and stay safe
  • Residency and Citizenship 
  • Renting and buying property
  • Transportation and buying cars
  • And more…

Lots of this information can also be found in our eBook.


Nicki and James eBook One Way Ticket to El Salvador